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What's The Purpose of Your Ego | *Hint - Your Soul Already Knows | Secret Podcast S02E19

Hello, Fabulous One.

Good news! You do not need to figure out what your Soul's purpose is.

Your Soul already knows where you are going. Your ego needs to figure out which path to take in her physical reality. The choices you make in life, despite the confusion and ruckus they may create, are ultimately yours to design. You have the power to shape your life the way you see fit. It's not that the Soul doesn't know that, but you must have clarity about that fact and become unapologetic.

In this Secret Podcast, S02E19, I share some of my aha moments during my spiritual journey and how they have led me to where I am today. I invite you into my inner world so you can see where you are on the spiritual path. 

Enjoy, love Jean

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